About Us
Having long discussions about a certain topic with a group of people is not always easy using emails. TKZT.me offers you the possibility to set up a message board where you and your participants can post messages and exchange ideas in a simple and clear way which makes it easy to keep track of the discussion. Besides, TKZT.me offers you not only a simple message board, but also many online features that will make your communication ways easier and faster.
What can you do here?
- You can start a public discussion and share the link with your friends.
- You can generate an online penfriending page on which you can send and receive letters online.
- You can create a live notebook for your class and write down your notes online.
- You can set up a private or public live chat and chat about anything you want freely.
- You can use our system as an online diary and keep your memories online.
- You can generate your private link to receive anonymous messages on social media.